Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Tur’s Celloxy oxygen device is ideal for medi-wellness, says Maria Papadopoulou

German medical supplier Tur Therapietechnik is targeting spas that are looking to get into medi-wellness with its brand-new Celloxy oxygen therapy device.

The company specialises in altitude training equipment that uses depleted oxygen to induce a state of hypoxia. This encourages the body to mobilise inner resources – breathing becomes more frequent, blood circulation increases and, as a result, vitality is promoted.

Celloxy implements gas separation techniques, more commonly used in aviation and aerospace technology, to alternate controlled hypoxia and oxygen-enriched air.

Software ensures all treatment parameters are altered according to each person.

Maria Papadopoulou, commercial director at Tur, says a session lasts 45 minutes and can be used as a spa add-on or even carried out at the same time as some services.

“Celloxy complements any rejuvenation, detoxification or anti-ageing treatment,” she says.

“It also supports the immune system and trains the body to breathe more effectively – both of which are predicted to be the focus of the wellness and medical industry in 2022”.

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